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Karen Clark

Latest From Karen Clark

Harvey and Irma affirm the value of new cat models

The traditional catastrophe model output does not provide the timely and granular data senior executives want when storms like Irma and Harvey are unfolding

Losses Hurricane Season

Opening up the model

While insurers are beginning to make use of the advanced, open platform features of new hurricane risk models, there is scepticism about their ability to understand the models well enough to be able to customise model assumptions

Property Specialty

Katrina’s impact on catastrophe modelling and management

Hurricane Katrina uncovered many of the limitations of the traditional catastrophe models and provided the impetus for experts to think about how catastrophe modelling could be advanced and improved

Property Specialty

Open platforms – a new approach to unmodelled peril loss estimation

While there is no perfect risk modelling solution, with an open platform underwriters can construct a robust model that is fully transparent, which they understand and are in control of the important assumptions

Technology International

Risk modelling report: Simulating the hazard rather than the loss

How catastrophe risk assessment based on characteristic events provide more consistent metrics for measuring and monitoring risk over time.

Losses International

Why catastrophe models do not handle tornadoes effectively

As a result of undersampling the models can miss areas of exposure, which can lead to large losses.

Losses International
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